- Fertility expert of flora fertility center pay special attention to the initial work up for the infertile couple.
- The infertile couple must undergo a set of advance tests before suggestion of any treatment.
- When couples are diagnosed with infertility we help them and Fertility expert of flora fertility center pay special attention to the initial work up for the infertile couple.

First Visit
Initial consultation: Your first visit to Flora IVF should be between 15th-25th days of your period. Our counselling team will guide you after an extensive review of your medical history and comprehensive infertility workup. Our team is dedicated to provide an in-depth explanations that resolve all your infertility related queries including the overall cost of the treatment.
Third Visit
As mentioned above, the third visit is only required for couples with Frozen Embryo Transfer. Embryo transfer is the process where embryos are placed in the uterus of a woman after three to five days of egg retrieval. It’s one of the IVF processes and embryo transfer is a quick and easy procedure that does not need sedation.
Second Visit
Your test reports will be received within a day or two. This will confirm your second visit to our centre and how long you will need to stay here will also be confirmed at that time. This visit includes report discussion, treatment plan, ovum pickup and embryo transfer. In some cases, based on the condition of the uterus or by the preference of the couple, embryos can be freeze. Hence, embryo transfer is shifted to the third visit.