What is laser assisted hatching?

  • It is Art Technique used in IVF treatment.
  • Main purpose to implant the embryo & extracted cells of embryo help to identify the genetic diseases.
  • It is used in PGD, PGS, PGT for diagnostic purpose.

Methods of hatching:

  • Mechanical hatching
  • Chemical hatching
  • Laser hatching 


  • Embryo quality
  • Receptivity of uterine lining
  • Female age 

What is PGD?

  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  • To increases the potential for a successful pregnancy and delivery without genetic diseases.


  • Fertilized egg culture for day 3 & 5 develop into embryo’s

  • Day 3 & 5 with help of laser technique one or more cells biopsied from a day 3 or day 5 embryo’s.

  • Genetic test performed on biopsied cells

  • Embryos free of genetic abnormalities transferred back to uterus/ frozen.

Application of LAH

  • Two or more IVF cycle Failed
  • Poor embryo quality
  • Advanced age >38
  • Zona Hardening

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